What is PRP Therapy?

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy is a treatment procedure that involves injecting the injury site with plasma containing a high concentration of platelets with large quantities of proteins. The proteins initiate and increase new tissue growth within the ligaments and tendons to repair the damage and relieve symptoms for patients with tendonitis or other chronic pain.

Platelet-rich plasma injection into damaged tissue is an effective procedure. PRP is a minimally invasive treatment that reduces pain and eliminates the symptoms caused by tissue damage. Patients can enjoy a faster and more thorough healing process because the body's natural healing abilities are enhanced. The treatment relieves pain and symptoms, allowing patients to resume regular activities.

How Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy Works

A small amount of blood is withdrawn from the patient’s body and placed in a processing unit. This procedure allows the separation of serum, platelets, and white blood cells from red blood cells. The white blood cells and platelets are then put in a centrifuge, concentrated, and siphoned into a sterile syringe. Finally, some of the patient's blood is injected with PRP into the targeted tissue since the blood is used as an activator to stimulate the healing process.

Platelet-rich plasma therapy is performed under a local anesthetic that makes the injection site numb to reduce pain for the patient. Most patients endure the injection well and experience minimal or no discomfort.

To achieve the desired results from this procedure, a patient needs one to three PRP injections. Usually, a doctor evaluates the patient's condition a few weeks after the first treatment to ascertain if additional injections are required. In addition, platelet-rich plasma therapy can be supplemented by physical therapy or exercise in patients with acute injuries.

The Benefits Of Platelet-rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy

The following are the exciting, proven benefits of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy:

  • Platelet-rich plasma therapy often assists patients in avoiding painkillers. Frequent use of painkillers can have a negative effect on the patient's body.
  • Platelet-rich plasma therapy utilizes the patient's own platelets under sterilized conditions to enhance healing. In addition, this procedure reduces risks related to introducing germs into the patient's injured part.
  • Unlike steroid injections, this procedure does not cause tissue weakening
  • Platelet-rich plasma therapy takes very little time. It is reliable and fast, under the right circumstances. The patient can resume his/her normal activities soon after the treatment.
  • You can avoid surgery, avoid using pharmaceutical painkillers and resume the recreational activities you enjoy because there will be reduced pain and stiffness.
  • Decreases urinary incontinence
  • Improves sexual capabilities and stamina
  • Increases sensation and pleasure

How Long It Takes To Notice The Effects Of PRP Therapy

The time it takes to notice the effects of PRP treatment depends on the extent of the patient’s tissue injury and the patient body's healing capacities. The patient's age also has an impact on the recovery process. Platelet-rich plasma therapy supercharges the patient’s natural healing capacities.

What To Expect After Undergoing PRP Treatment

You could experience aching and soreness for several days after platelet-rich plasma injections, which indicates that the process of healing is taking place. You can take over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medications to alleviate pain and soreness. You can resume your work and other daily chores immediately after treatment, but you should avoid heavy lifting and strenuous activities for a few days.

PRP Treatment For Orthopedic Injuries

Some common orthopedic conditions that could benefit from PRP include:

Plantar Fasciitis

This condition causes swelling in the tendon that connects the patient’s heel bone to the toes. As a result, the patient could experience stabbing pain in the bottom of the foot. The pain tends to worsen in the morning after the feet hit the floor.

Athletes often experience plantar fasciitis. The injury could also occur with other sporting activities requiring much footwork. Weight and age are also contributing factors. The good news is that PRP therapy is effective in treating plantar fasciitis. Results show that PRP injections can reduce pain and improve function.

Rotator Cuff Injury

The muscles and tendons enclosing a person's shoulder are rotator cuffs. Rotator injuries or cuff tears always result from work-related activities, sports, or a single traumatic event. Rotator cuff injury has the following symptoms:

  • Pain
  • Clicking in the shoulder when raising the arm
  • Limited range of motion
  • Swelling in the front of the shoulder

Studies have shown that PRP injections reduce shoulder pain over time.

Tennis Elbow (Lateral Epicondylitis)

Tennis elbow is characterized by elbow inflammation and pain, which arises with any repetitive wrist and arm movement. Often, this is caused by playing tennis, but it could also be associated with working on a computer for a long time. Common treatments include:

  • Anti-inflammatory medications
  • Ice, and
  • Rest

Platelet-rich plasma therapy can assist in relieving the symptoms of the Tennis Elbow and reduce the need for surgery.

Jumper’s Knee (Patellar Tendonitis)

Sports like volleyball and basketball involve jumping and landing, which can lead to overuse of the knee joint. This chronic injury (jumper’s knee) affects the tendon, which connects the kneecap to the shinbone, causing swelling and pain. The symptoms include:

  • Pain with bending or straightening of the leg
  • Pain when you jump, walk, or run

PRP therapy reduces pain and enhances function within six to twelve months after the injection.

Whether PRP Therapy Is A Substitute For Surgery

PRP therapy is not a substitute for surgery. Many chronic conditions respond to PRP therapy, eliminating the need for a surgical procedure. However, it is difficult to predict which condition will respond to surgery and which one will not. An incompletely healed condition is characterized by excessive scar within the ligament or tendon. This could leave the ligament/tendon susceptible to reinjury and impair joint function. PRP therapy initiates a response that makes the chronic injury appear like a new condition, thus provoking a new healing process.

Even if you have already undergone surgery, PRP could still come in handy to speed the healing process.

Find a PRP Therapist Near Me

PRP therapy is ideal for anyone seeking a holistic, non-invasive way of pursuing pain relief and wellness. If you seek PRP treatment in Los Angeles, CA, the LA Pain And Joint Center can assist. Call us at 323-475-9288 to speak to one of our therapists.


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